Choose an Attitude of Gratitude
I took my first hot yoga class on a whim because I was bored with my regular workout routine and I had heard from a former professional athlete that yoga was both a great workout and a stress reliever. One class, and I was hooked and soon after I singed on to earn my RYT200 Teacher Training Certificate.
For me, yoga is a perfect balance of a kick butt workout and a lesson in what it is to turn off your mind, allowing time to reconnect with your body and spirit. I decided to sign up for teacher training because I felt tremendously inspired to share this gift of yoga with others- from my family, friends and community, to the teen athletes I coach. As a soccer coach, I was especially interested in continuing to share yoga with my athletes, as yoga is great with injury prevention, stamina building through breath, and core strength and conditioning. Best of all yoga allows the athlete time away from the competitiveness of organized sports and provides relief from the daily stresses on a teen athletes mind and body. Yoga should be a vital part of every persons lifestyle regimen. Yoga has changed every aspect of my health- body, mind and spirit. And the greatest part of all is that yoga fits every body!